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How can I assign certain audiences to my visitors?
How can I assign certain audiences to my visitors?

Learn how to cluster your visitors into audiences. #dmp #audiences #clustering #surfbehaviour #data

Tobias Oberascher avatar
Written by Tobias Oberascher
Updated over a week ago

First of all you need to visit our product Pinpoll DMP under:

There you need to open the menu "Define Audiences". Then you can define that visitors should be assigned to specific interests and visitor properties on certain user actions.

You can assign a visitor to an audience over three respectively four options:

  • Surf Behaviour: When a visitor is visiting a specific page with defined meta-tags, keywords or other page data, assign visitor to the specified audience.

  • Question Data: When a visitor is voting for a specific answer, assign visitor to the specified audience.

  • Form Data: When a visitor is entering specific data to a (lead) form assign visitor to the specified audience (e.g. gender, age, ...)

  • Custom over SDK: You can assign a visitor to a specified audience by a custom logic defined on the customers end (check our SDK Documentation )

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