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Is Pinpoll Accessible?
Bettina Zierhut avatar
Written by Bettina Zierhut
Updated over 10 months ago

The answer is: yes, to a limited extent. When using online tools on websites, there are clear guidelines that must be followed so that everyone can use them.

These guidelines are defined by WCAG 2.1. The draft of the new version WCAG 2.2 has already been published.

At Pinpoll, we naturally adhere to these guidelines and are constantly expanding and revising our functions to enable everyone to participate easily. Important: The use of the Pinpoll backend is not yet complete, but is largely barrier-free.

There are other functions for participating in polls that are not yet accessible at the moment, as they require more complex operation. Screen readers and input aids would be overwhelmed by this (e.g. when solving a reCaptcha). It is therefore always up to our customers to make participation in polls as low-threshold as possible in certain use cases.

We are endeavouring to expand the range of functions step by step. You can find out more about this in Pinpoll Magazine.

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