Many of our customers use a newsletter for their marketing. Unfortunately, recipients often open it carelessly and nothing else happens.
Our polls can not only be used on your website but can also be integrated directly into your newsletter to link to desired target pages and increase the click rate - an important metric in newsletter marketing.
Here's how it works step by step:
Create a poll
Insert the question and the answers from the poll anywhere in your newsletter. It could look like this:
3. To link the answers in the newsletter, you need the following links from the "Publish" menu of the desired poll in the Pinpoll backend:
It is also possible to link to any destination pages. Simply add "?destination=URL" to the voting link. The vote is then counted in the background and the user is forwarded directly to the desired page.
4. Example:
In this way, you can redirect from the newsletter, for example, to an article where the poll has been directly integrated.
The great thing about it: In this poll, the answer clicked on by the user in the newsletter is also marked accordingly for the user.
If you would like to learn more about this, just write us!